Mondays are for Music: Track 09

Today’s track is a whole lot of fun and that’s because it is Wentworth’s theme. It’s hard to do anything involving the man and not get a little bit of a chuckle.

This piece is from the soundtrack of Coraline, a film that, frankly, scared the pants off of me when I saw it in the theatre. Afterwards, I promptly bought the soundtrack. Hehe.

This piece is bouncy, flouncy, and just as booming and theatrical as the blonde conman himself. It does, however, contain a certain sense of creep-nasty, a little hint of something that makes you not quite trust it.

Here is Wentworth (The Mice Circus) 🙂

About Frenchie Leigh

I am an avid writer of the romantically tragic, the fashionably brooding, and foolishly believing. Though my plot lines come to me through music, my writing style is most greatly influenced by my personal favourite authoresses: Julia Quinn and Eloisa James. View all posts by Frenchie Leigh

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